Our Practices
So at our team we focus on the process of preparing the right commercial agreements you need for your particular sector and for your unique company. By your side, we define the salient points, we survey the performance of the contracts, we take steps to obtain damages or to enforce the agreements. We create contractual security and prevision, essential for your business. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Multiple commercial agreements for various sectors of business
- Creation of securities and liens
- Tax planning and regulatory compliance
- Finance advice and financing legal assistance
- Preliminary researches on the commercial partner and its assets
- Risk assessment analyses and due diligence
- Assistance in the negotiating process
- Contract amendments and renegotiations
- Contract breach remedies (enforcement, damages)
- Enforcement of liens and securities
- Services of depository under the Special pledges act and enforcement of special pledges
- Out of court settlements
- Commercial litigation and arbitration
- And many other services …
To the other side the process of corporate development could be accompanied by multiple corporate restructuring, mergers, acquisitions or divestitures. Our team aspires to provide you with the legal advice you need to make your choices efficient. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Regulatory compliance
- Corporate governance assistance and risk assessments
- Company documents drafting and filing with the Commercial register and register of NPLE
- Company capital restructuring
- Corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, divestitures etc.
- Pre restructuring due diligence
- Private equity transactions, shareholders' equity transactions
- Shareholders' rights
- Voluntary liquidation
- Insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings
- Registration of companies, branches and NPO’s with the Bulgarian Commercial register and register of NPLE
- And many other services …
To the other part, a reorganization plan for the debtor could be the best solution for both parties in the proceedings, the debtor and his creditors. Our team secures complete representation of the creditors or of the debtor in insolvency proceedings. Financially orientated, we thrive to find the business solutions to collect the debt and to distress the company. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Bankruptcy petitions and court representation
- Prepacked settlement plans and out of court negotiating
- Stabilization plans and procedure
- Research on debtor’s assets
- Creditors’ “proof of debt” claims
- Creditors’ representation in the creditors’ committees
- Trustee representation in court actions
- Invalidation actions and court representation
- Insolvency dividends distribution
- Debtor’s reorganization plan assisting
- Reorganization plan supervision and implementation
- And many other services …
So our team provides daily and continuing regulatory and compliance advises for multiple sectors & businesses. We survey on the legal framework regulations, applicable to your company’s activity. We examine your transactions, we represent you before different administrations, we inform you for regulatory modifications. We assist you start your activity or during M&A’s or just in the course of your ordinary business.
So our attorneys practise on a large scale of instruments, both by way of court proceedings, orders for payment procedures or by out of court settlements, to collect the debt. We advise in case of debt renegotiating and restructuring or we undertake the enforcement of securities. Our team makes researches on the debtor assets, we proceed for the creation of judgement liens, we undertake the enforcement of judgements. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Out of court proceedings of debt collection
- Out of court settlements
- Research on the debtor’s assets
- Debt restructuring and creation of securities and liens
- Enforcement of securities and liens
- Court proceedings of debt collection
- Orders for payment procedures (quick procedures)
- Provisional court orders
- Enforcement of judgments
- Representation of creditors in insolvency proceedings
- And many other services …
We proceed from the necessary first steps of prerequisite preparation of the case, prior to the filing of the claims and the representation in the case. We esteem the substantive chances of success and make this assessment part of your decision. We give you a review of the case at every stage to give you the larger picture. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Complete court representation before all court instances (courts of appeal, supreme courts)
- Rich experience in commercial litigation (commercial disputes, contract breaches and damages debt collection procedures, intellectual property infringements, insolvency procedures etc.)
- Representation before arbitration bodies
- Representation before regulatory agencies (Commission for protection of competition, Financial supervision commission, Commission for consumer protection etc.)
- Court appeals of tax or administrative sanctions (including anti-competitive acts, consumer protection acts, construction acts, tax acts etc.)
- Appeals of administrative decisions
- Representation before administrative bodies (National revenue agency, national and municipality administrations)
- Court orders and orders for payment procedures
- Enforcement of court judgements and arbitration awards
- Alternative dispute resolutions and settlements
- And many other services …
To enter or to commercialize your products or your services on a fair trading market, our team is there to advise you or to take the required legal steps. We proceed and act to legally compel your competitors to comply with the rules of the sector. To protect your commercial activity and to help you grow, this is our mission. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Proceedings before the Commission for protection of competition
- Out of court negotiations
- Court proceedings for cease of the practice and for damages
- Regulatory compliance advises
- Unfair practices (damaging good name; misleading; imitation etc.)
- Antitrust practices (prohibited agreements, decisions and concerted practices; abuse of monopoly or dominant position etc.)
- Concentrations compliance
- Public procurements and concessions appeals
- Trademark and design infringements actions
- Domain name imitation and usurpation
Our team puts on your service the preliminary researches and advices, prior to the creation of the trademark. We undertake the trademark national, international and community registrations (CTM’s). We help you manage your trademark and commercialize it. We are there to help you assess its market value, to help you agree on the licensing terms or to ensure the necessary protection by monitoring and trademark infringements actions. Our team also covers designs, copyright, know-how, trade secrets and patents protection. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- National, European and International trademark registrations and renewals
- Preliminary researches on trademarks
- Licensing of trademarks and transfer of rights
- Opposition actions against trademarks registrations (nationals, EUTM's and IR's)
- Invalidation and cancellation actions
- Monitoring of trademarks
- Designs registrations, licensing, renewals, infringement actions, invalidation actions,etc
- Patent registrations, validation of European patents, payment of annuity fees
- Actions against infringements (damages, unfair practices actions, cease and desist actions etc)
- Custom control applications
- Franchising and know-how agreements
- Copyright protection and agreements
- Domain names registration, protection and renewals
- And many other services…
From the first steps of acquisition of property or a construction right over the land, we effectuate prior due diligence procedure. We are by your side to assist you with our legal advices on the process of the project financing. We support you through the building permissions. We focus on preparing the right agreements with the construction company and the other parties, related to the construction process. We accompany you up to the grant of permission of use by the administration. To see your project accomplished, this is our satisfaction. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Due diligence prior to the acquisition of land or a construction right
- Sale and lease contracts, preliminary contracts
- Project financing legal assistance
- Creation of securities and liens
- Tax planning
- Various agreements with all parties, related to the construction process
- Assistance with the building permissions (permission of construction, permission of use, change of the designation of the land etc.)
- Appeals of administrative decisions and sanctions
- And many other services …
So we assist you all through the process of acquiring. We effectuate the due diligence prior to the transaction, we apply for the necessary documents, we advise you during the negotiations. Specialized on sale contracts, leases, preliminary contracts, we give you the needed security. We are also by your side to assist you with our legal advices on the process of financing. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Due diligence prior to the acquisition
- Sale contracts
- Preliminary contracts
- Leases
- Assistance in negotiations
- Representation before the administration
- Representation before the notary officer
- Financing legal assistance
- Creation of securities and liens
- Tax planning
- And many other services …
From the first days of legal entity incorporation to every step thereafter, related to the compliance with the legal requirements, the contractual relations with your partners, the acquisition or the rental of the company’s premises or the relations with your employees. We will be glad to accompany you developing your business projects in Bulgaria and advise you on ongoing manner on the Bulgarian law. You may find hereunder some of our services:
- Company and branch incorporations
- Regulatory & Compliance
- Commercial contracts
- Finance agreements
- Real estate purchase or rent
- Employment contracts
- Brand protection (Trademark registrations and protection)
- Tax planning
- And many other services …
The finance agreements shall be carefully reviewed and negotiated. We consult both the creditor, lending the finance or the debtor. Our team assists in multiple possible fund rising options. You may find hereunder some of our services:
- Finance agreements
- Debt restructuring
- Mortgages and pledges
- Special pledges
- Bank guaranties and letters of credit
- Personal guaranties
- Increase of company’s registered capital
- Enforcement of securities
- Service as depository under the Special pledges act
- Tax planning
- And many other services …
You may find hereunder some of our services:
- Review on the tender documents
- Assistance in preparing the tender documentation by the candidate
- Creation of consortiums
- Tax planning
- Appeals of decisions related to procedures
- Consultations related to the performance of the procurement/concession contracts
- And many other services …
Our multi-area approach includes aspects such as Regulatory & Compliance, Corporate, Foreign investment, Project finance and securities, Taxation.
We take care of the employment contracts, we supervise the right performance by the employees, the modifications and amendments. We assist you with the lawful termination of employment contracts. At a bigger frame, we assist the company in implementation of employment restructuring programs or in collective redundancies. We represent both, companies and private clients in employment litigations. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Preparing of employment contracts
- Performance, sanctions and modifications of contracts
- Termination of employment contracts
- Implementation of employment restructuring programs (including in M&A or in business restructuring)
- Assistance in collective redundancies
- Employment law litigations
- And many other services …
Therefore, we provide full legal assistance to our clients in this field. The compliance is demonstrated via personal data protection documentation. You may find hereunder some of our services:
- Elaborating of company’s private policy
- Elaborating of documents, related to the rights of the data subjects
- Elaborating of documents, related to personal data breaches policies
- Elaborating of data protection impact assessment
- Elaborating of biding corporate rules
- Transfer of personal data in and outside EU
- Services as data protection officer
- Instructions and courses to the employees, processing data
- Websites policies
- Review of contracts
- And many other services …
Our expertise allows our team to provide consultations in matters related to customs or to represent our clients. You may find hereunder some of our services:
- Tax consultations
- Appeals against tax audit acts
- Tax planning
- Consultations in the field of customs
- Representation before the customs
- Appeals against administrative sanctions
- And many other services …
So at our team we focus on the process of preparing the right commercial agreements you need for your particular sector and for your unique company. By your side, we define the salient points, we survey the performance of the contracts, we take steps to obtain damages or to enforce the agreements. We create contractual security and prevision, essential for your business. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Multiple commercial agreements for various sectors of business
- Creation of securities and liens
- Tax planning and regulatory compliance
- Finance advice and financing legal assistance
- Preliminary researches on the commercial partner and its assets
- Risk assessment analyses and due diligence
- Assistance in the negotiating process
- Contract amendments and renegotiations
- Contract breach remedies (enforcement, damages)
- Enforcement of liens and securities
- Services of depository under the Special pledges act and enforcement of special pledges
- Out of court settlements
- Commercial litigation and arbitration
To the other side the process of corporate development could be accompanied by multiple corporate restructuring, mergers, acquisitions or divestitures. Our team aspires to provide you with the legal advice you need to make your choices efficient. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Regulatory compliance
- Corporate governance assistance and risk assessments
- Company documents drafting and filing with the Trade register
- Company capital restructuring
- Corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, divestitures etc.
- Pre restructuring due diligence;
- Private equity transactions, shareholders' equity transactions
- Shareholders' rights
- Voluntary liquidation
- Insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings
To the other part, a reorganization plan for the debtor could be the best solution for both parties in the proceedings, the debtor and his creditors. Our team secures complete representation of the creditors or of the debtor in insolvency proceedings. Financially orientated, we thrive to find the business solutions to collect the debt and to distress the company. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Bankruptcy petitions and court representation
- Prepacked settlement plans and out of court negotiating
- Stabilization plans and procedure
- Research on debtor’s assets
- Creditors’ “proof of debt” claims
- Creditors’ representation in the creditors’ committees
- Trustee representation in court actions
- Avoidance action defense
- Insolvency dividends distribution
- Debtor’s reorganization plan assisting
- Reorganization plan supervision and implementation
So our team provides daily and continuing regulatory and compliance advises for multiple sectors & businesses. We survey on the legal framework regulations, applicable to your company’s activity. We examine your transactions, we represent you before different administrations, we inform you for regulatory modifications. We assist you start your activity or during M&A’s or just in the course of your ordinary business.
Our services are based on multi-area approach, related to all the aspects of the commercial activity.
So our attorneys practise on a large scale of instruments, both by way of court proceedings, orders for payment procedures or by out of court settlements, to collect the debt. We advise in case of debt renegotiating and restructuring or we undertake the enforcement of securities. Our team makes researches on the debtor assets, we proceed for the creation of judgement liens, we undertake the enforcement of judgements. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Out of court proceedings of debt collection
- Out of court settlements
- Research on the debtor’s assets
- Debt restructuring and creation of securities and liens
- Enforcement of securities and liens
- Court proceedings of debt collection
- Orders for payment procedures (quick procedures)
- Provisional court orders
- Enforcement of judgments
- Representation of creditors in insolvency proceedings
We proceed from the necessary first steps of prerequisite preparation of the case, prior to the filing and the representation. We esteem the substantive chances of success and make this assessment part of your decision. We give you a review of the case at every stage to give you the larger picture. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Complete court representation before all court instances (courts of appeal, supreme courts)
- Rich experience in commercial litigation (commercial disputes, contract breaches and damages)
- debt collection procedures, intellectual property infringements, insolvency procedures etc.)
- Representation before arbitration bodies
- Representation before regulatory agencies (Commission for protection of competition, Financial supervision commission, Commission for consumer protection etc.)
- Court appeals of tax or administrative sanctions (including anti-competitive acts, consumer protection acts, construction acts, tax acts etc.)
- Appeals of administrative decisions
- Representation before administrative bodies (National revenue agency, national and municipality administrations)
- Court orders and orders for payment procedures
- Enforcement of court judgements
- Alternative dispute resolutions and settlements
To enter or to commercialize your products or your services on a fair trading market, our team is there to advise you or to take the required legal steps. We proceed and act to legally compel your competitor to comply with the rules of the sector. To protect your commercial activity and to help you grow, this is our mission. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Proceedings before the Commission for protection of competition
- Out of court negotiations
- Court proceedings for cease of the practice and for damages
- Regulatory compliance advises
- Unfair practices (damaging good name; misleading; imitation etc.)
- Antitrust practices (prohibited agreements, decisions and concerted practices; abuse of monopoly or dominant position etc.)
- Concentrations compliance
- Public procurements and concessions appeals
- Trademark and design infringements actions
- Domain name imitation and usurpation
Our team puts on your service the preliminary researches and advices, prior to the creation of the trademark. We undertake the trademark national, international and community registrations (CTM’s). We help you manage your trademark and commercialize it. We are there to help you assess its market value, to help you agree the licensing terms or to ensure the necessary protection by monitoring and trademark infringements actions. Our team also covers designs, copyright, know-how, trade secrets and patents protection. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- National, European and International trademark registrations and renewals
- Preliminary searches on trademarks
- Licensing of trademarks and transfer of rights
- Opposition actions against trademarks registrations (nationals, EUTM's and IR's)
- Invalidation and cancellation actions
- Monitoring of trademarks
- Designs registrations, licensing, renewals, infringement actions, invalidation actions,etc
- Patent registrations, validation of European patents, payment of annuity fees
- Actions against infringements (damages, unfair practices actions, cease and desist actions etc)
- Custom control applications
- Franchising and know-how agreements
- Copyright protection and agreements
- Domain names registration, protection and renewals
From the first steps of acquisition of property or a construction right over the land, we effectuate prior due diligence procedure. We are by your side to assist you with our legal advices on the process of the project financing. We support you through the building permissions. We focus on preparing the right agreements with the construction company and the other parties, related to the construction process. We accompany you up to the grant of permission of use by the administration. To see your project accomplished, this is our satisfaction. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Due diligence prior to the acquisition of land or a construction right
- Sale and lease contracts, preliminary contracts
- Project financing legal assistance
- Creation of securities and liens
- Tax planning
- Various agreements with all parties, related to the construction process
- Assistance with the building permissions (permitting of construction, permission of use, change of the designation of the land etc.)
- Appeals of administrative decisions and sanctions
So we assist you all through the process of acquiring. We effectuate the due diligence prior to the transaction, we apply for the necessary documents, we advise you during the negotiations. Specialized on sale contracts, leases, preliminary contracts, we give you the needed security. We are also by your side to assist you with our legal advices on the process of financing. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Due diligence prior to the acquisition
- Sale contracts
- Preliminary contracts
- Leases
- Assistance in negotiations
- Representation before the administration
- Representation before the notary officer
- Financing legal assistance
- Creation of securities and liens
- Tax planning
From the first days of legal entity incorporation to every step thereafter, related to the compliance with the legal requirements, the contractual relations with your partners, the acquisition or the rental of the company’s premises or the relations with your employees. We will be glad to accompany you developing your business projects in Bulgaria and advise you on ongoing manner on the Bulgarian law. You may find hereunder some of our services:
- Company and branch incorporations
- Regulatory & Compliance
- Commercial contracts
- Finance agreements
- Real estate purchase or rent
- Employment contracts
- Brand protection (Trademark registrations and protection)
- Tax planning
- And many other services …
Our multi-area approach allows our team to provide full service legal assistance, including aspects such as Corporate&M&A, Commerce and contracts, Regulatory&Compliance, Intellectual property, Real estate, Employment, Project finance and securities.
The finance agreements shall be carefully reviewed and negotiated. We consult both the creditor, lending the finance or the debtor. Our team assists in multiple possible fund rising options. You may find hereunder some of our services:
- Finance agreements
- Debt restructuring
- Mortgages and pledges
- Special pledges
- Bank guaranties and letters of credit
- Personal guaranties
- Increase of company’s registered capital
- Enforcement of securities
- Service as depository under the Special pledges act
- Tax planning
- And many other services …
Our multi-area approach allows our team to provide full service legal assistance, including aspects such as Real estate, Corporate, Taxation.
You may find hereunder some of our services:
- Review on the tender documents
- Assistance in preparing the tender documentation by the candidate
- Creation of consortiums
- Tax planning
- Appeals of decisions related to procedures
- Consultations related to the performance of the procurement/concession contracts
- And many other services …
Our multi-area approach includes aspects such as Regulatory & Compliance, Corporate, Foreign investment, Project finance and securities, Taxation.
We take care of the employment contracts, we supervise the right performance by the employees, the modifications and amendments. We assist you with the lawful termination of employment contracts. At a bigger frame, we assist the company in implementation of employment restructuring programs or in collective redundancies. We represent both, companies and private clients in employment litigation's. Especially you may find hereunder some of the key points:
- Preparing of employment contracts
- Performance, sanctions and modifications of contracts
- Termination of employment contracts
- Implementation of employment restructuring programs (including in M&A or in business restructuring)
- Assistance in collective redundancies
- Employment law litigation's
Therefore, we provide full legal assistance to our clients in this field. The compliance is demonstrated via personal data protection documentation. You may find hereunder some of our services:
- Elaborating of company’s private policy
- Elaborating of documents, related to the rights of the data subjects
- Elaborating of documents, related to personal data breaches policies
- Elaborating of data protection impact assessment
- Elaborating of biding corporate rules
- Transfer of personal data in and outside EU
- Services as data protection officer
- Instructions and courses to the employees, processing data
- Websites policies
- Review of contracts
- And many other services …
Our multi-area approach includes aspects such as Regulatory & Complince, Contracts and Employment.
Our expertise allows our team to provide consultations in matters related to customs or to represent our clients. You may find hereunder some of our services:
- Tax consultations
- Appeals against tax audit acts
- Tax planning
- Consultations in the field of customs
- Representation before the customs
- Appeals against administrative sanctions
- And many other services …
Our multi-area approach includes aspects such as Regulatory & Compliance, Commerce and contracts, Corporate, Real estate, Foreign investment, Project finance & Securities.